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The Chesapeake Middle School League is composed of the ten middle schools in Chesapeake Public School System.

The CMSL provides the following athletic and activity programs for 6th - 8th graders

Fall Season: Sideline Cheer, Football, Baseball, Girls Soccer, and Softball

Winter Season: Basketball, Sideline Cheer, Competition Cheer,  and Wrestling

Spring Season: Field Hockey, Boys Soccer, Track and Field, and Volleyball

Winter Activities:  Forensics and Debate

Central Division Coastal Division
Crestwood MS Great Bridge MS
Deep Creek MS Greenbrier MS
Hickory MS Hugo Owens MS
Jolliff MS Indian River MS
Oscar Smith MS Western Branch MS
*Divisions only for Football

*Current sports physicals are required for all athletic participants. Academic eligibility is required for participation in athletics and activities. Please review handbook for more information 

About Us

The name of this organization shall be the Chesapeake Middle School League.  The object of the Chesapeake Middle School League shall be to conduct a program of supervised competitions in athletics, academics, and such other school activities deemed to further the total education of pupils.  The league shall be organized by the principals of the middle schools. The organization shall consist of a League Chairperson and an Executive Director.

Contact Us
Address: 1421 Kristina Way Chesapeake, VA. 23320
Phone Number: 757-547-1340
Fax Number: 757-547-1342
Email Address:
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